About Me

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Erik's wife, Melody, Priscilla, & Serenity's mom. I love to read, play games, be crafty and reality TV is my guilty pleasure! It is a train wreck I tell ya!! I love the smell of Vicks Vapor Rub and Playdough, when the container is opened for the first time. I probably use more exclamation points than I should!! See! I love to laugh and think the world needs to laugh more, not just a little haha but a good deep belly laugh!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jumping In With Both Feet!

I am not an extremely public person. I tend to be very shy until I get to know people but I love social media.  I don't love it for the bragging, look at me junk.  I love that it has brought me back in touch with long lost friends and keeping up with family that lives thousands of miles away.  So with that being said going public, so to speak, about this weight loss journey, to a healthier me, is very scary to me!  I told those closest to me and then went about my way.  One evening I received a message from my cousin.  She follows me on Pinterest and noticed I had pinned many things pertaining to Weight Watchers.  During our conversation that night, she mentioned that she understood my reasoning for being so private, but by me being more public about this journey I would be more accountable and I would find that I had an incredible cheering section behind me.  So, I SLOWLY started posting on Facebook and one picture I posted opened up the flood gates!  I can't put into words what it feels like to have so many people cheering you on.  I knew I had friends, and I knew I had friends who would be literally pushing me up the hill if I needed them too, but to have this kind of support is beyond anything I could have ever imagined!  I had been thinking of keeping this blog of my journey for myself but have decided to open it up for all to see.  Maybe someone else will find it useful, if not it will still serve its purpose for me!!

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